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About K-Medi


Greetings, I am Park Eun-Soo,
The President of Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency.
박은수 원장 사진


In our modern society, with generalization of diversified medical services, ever frequent use of medical facilities by aging people and strengthened awareness of patient’s rights; the number of malpractice disputes have been increasing.

However, as medical care is a very specialized field, it is difficult for related parties to prove the causes, causation and negligence of medical malpractice disputes. Thus, both the patient and the medical personnel are suffering great difficulties and distress in dealing with dispute settlements.

K-medi was established in 2012 in an effort to support the redemption of damages caused by medical accidents by resolving medical disputes quickly and fairly, and to create a stable medical care environment for medical personnel.

K-medi focuses on professional counseling of medical disputes, trustworthy investigations and fair mediations of cases by competent staffs.

Based on Agency’s guiding philosophy, “Just and Warm,” K-medi carefully and faithfully handles every case while observing the basic principles of “fairness, trustworthiness, and communication” throughout the entire processes of counseling, investigation and mediation.

In this process, both the patient and the medical personnel are able to look at the real situation of the incident more objectively, and may reach dispute resolution more reasonably and smoothly while understanding each other’s circumstances.

We are also well aware that if the case go to the court both the patient and the medical personnel are suffering from agony and uneasiness due to the time-consuming period of more than two years on average. In the case of our Agency, we focus our efforts on handling cases quickly within 90 days (up to 120 days).

K-medi will make every efforts to quickly and fairly resolve disputes by faithfully observing such basics and principles so as to be recognized by the people as a trusted institution that resolves medical disputes effectively.

We kindly request your attention and support, and thank you all for visiting our website.